
Five Ideas For Protecting Your Home From Flooding Related To Global Warming

Construction & Contractors Articles

Global warming, according to the Australian government, has the power to greatly impact citizens' homes and their lives. In addition to many of the projected climate shifts, scientists project there will be more floods, hail storms and storm surges, and they assert that Australian residents will feel a noticeable increase in these activities by the year 2030. If you are wondering what you can do to protect your home from flooding or water damage, here are five ideas for you to consider:

26 January 2015

Baby Wipes Are Not Flushable: How To Unclog Your Toilet From Inside And Outside The Home


What do baby wipes and a blocked toilet have in common? When potty training a toddler, many parents use diaper wipes or marketed toddler toilet wipes to clean the bottom of their little one. Unfortunately, while some of these products may be advertised as being flushable, over time they can cause an ugly block to occur in your sewer pipes. Unlike toilet paper, these wipes do not break down, and a big mess can result either at your home or down the line at your city's sewer station.

6 January 2015

Say No To Tiles: Top Four Reasons To Reroof With Steel Sheets


It is said that the most popular roofing material in Australia is steel. However, there are those who choose to roof their home with terracotta or concrete roof tiles. Now that your home needs reroofing, you need to decide which product you are going to go with. These four reasons why steel roofs beat the tile alternative should be enough to help you make your final decision. Wind Rating The location of your home is going to determine what type of wind rating your home has to withstand.

24 November 2014

Horse Fencing For Beginners: Three Tips For A Whinnying Seal Of Approval


The wish for a horse has appeared on the Santa list of many children over the years. If Santa is planning to reward your little boy or girl this coming Christmas, you will need to get a paddock ready for its arrival. To keep a horse contained, you need the right type of fence. Before you spend your money on an enclosure that is going to have your new family member hanging their head in shame, learn more about what you need to keep your equine friend protected.

17 November 2014