The Different Advantages of Vinyl House Cladding Systems

Construction & Contractors Blog

Shopping for a cladding product for your house? House cladding is essential to protect the house exteriors from damage due to harsh outdoor elements, such as rain, snow, hail, saltwater mist and windborne debris.  With the many different types of cladding systems available out there, the decision process for choosing the best cladding for your home can be confusing. Although many homeowners favour vinyl cladding because it is relatively inexpensive, its benefits extend beyond affordability.

12 September 2022

Three Important Tips for Maintaining Your Residential Glass Tinting

Construction & Contractors Blog

If you have noticed an uncomfortable glare from sunlight through your residential windows, think about investing in glass tinting. The tinting film will not only reduce optical discomfort in your interior space, but the protection will also minimise ultraviolet radiation, reducing its harmful effects such as skin damage and furniture bleaching. Additionally, you will enjoy lower heat penetration into your home, and this could result in lower cooling costs. However, keep in mind that poor care for the films will lead to fast deterioration and a need for replacement.

27 June 2022

Is the State of Your Guttering System Leading to Major Problems Elsewhere?

Construction & Contractors Blog

As a homeowner, you may allocate a fair amount of time to maintenance tasks and know how important it is to keep up to avoid bigger problems in the future. Yet, if you're like many other property owners, you may overlook gutter maintenance, especially if everything seems to look "okay" from afar, down below. Yet, this is one of the most critical areas when it comes to potential problems, and if your gutters are not performing as they should be, many issues can arise.

13 April 2022

Ways Civil Works Can Improve Area Parks

Construction & Contractors Blog

The installation, maintenance and upgrades of area parks are handled through the civil works department. If you work for civil works, you may notice there are several older parks in your area that need upgrades or improvement. If this is the case, you may also be looking at ways to upgrade the parks while remaining on budget and making upgrades that are easily maintained and long lasting. If this is the case, here are a few methods to consider.

22 February 2022

How To Hire A Construction Service

Construction & Contractors Blog

One of the challenges you might experience when looking for construction services is that there are many companies to choose from. Similar to other clients, you might end up confused and choose the wrong company. This extract details criteria to help you when hiring a construction service. Ideally, it puts forward some interview questions you can use to vet the various construction services on the market.  Are You A Registered Contractor?

15 December 2021

Three Central Precautions for Planning for Excavation Equipment Hire

Construction & Contractors Blog

If you are preparing for a construction project, you should plan for the acquisition of excavation equipment. In general, it is advisable to choose to hire over purchase, even for prolonged work. Equipment hire eliminates the need for high capital costs for your business. The rental fees might be significant, but the amount will be paid over a long period. Therefore, the effect on the cash flow for the project will be minimal.

1 November 2021

4 Steps to Planning a Successful House Extension

Construction & Contractors Blog

Homeowners are often faced with the dilemma of deciding whether or not to extend their property. Extending your home can cause stress, but by following a few simple steps, you can reduce the chance of problems arising. Be realistic An extension doesn't mean that you have to build the most extensive extension possible. Generally, it's important to think about what your needs are and how much space you have to spare.

16 September 2021